PGL Fun for year 10!
PGL Fun for Year 10!
It has been an exciting week for Logic’s Year 10 students as we move towards the end of term on Tuesday.
On Monday, we were lucky enough to take our students away on an activity residential to PGL Liddington in Wiltshire. This replaced our traditional camping trip to Wale which was unfortunately cancelled due to local COVID restrictions.
Not to be deterred, the students arrived with more suitcases than you would need for a fortnight, despite it being a 3 day trip and we were off!
During the residential, students got to participate in a variety of activities including the Zip Wire; Raft Building; Climbing; Archery; the Sensory Trail (think Blindfold assault course in the mud!); and Sports Evenings.
There was definite nervousness and fear for some of our students with these activities and for some, just being away from home and in a new environment was a challenge in itself. However they were brilliant and demonstrated great ‘Logic’ determination and resilience to overcome their fears and achieve their goals. And just as importantly, they had lots of fun (as the pictures below show!).
On our return, students have undertaken a Speaking and Listening exam which has focussed on what they did at PGL. They have produced and delivered a presentation to a group of students, not only demonstrating their technical design abilities but also their communication and oracy through their presentations.
What a great end to their year at Logic!